Saturday, 27 December 2014

Pampering and Relaxation

Hello one and all!
So many buckets of soz for the long wait between posts!
Bloody work! ... and xmas ;)
How are you all? I hope you all had a fabulous christmas/holidays!

Monday, 10 November 2014

Exercise and Weight Loss Time!

Hello one and all!
I hope you are all reading this comfortably! If not then WHY NOT!? Nothing good ever came from being uncomfortable…now really… did it? Okay now I'm not so sure even anymore… stop unnerving me!
Ahem…soz buckets all.
So, today’s topic is about exercise and health. Yes…that’s right…I SAID IT! hah!

Thursday, 25 September 2014

Uniqueness vs Plainness?

Hello one and all!!!!!!! Welcome back to Scottie Says! It’s another blog post!
I missed you all and I hope you did too!
First and foremost!
ARE YOU ALL SITTING OR PERUSING THIS POST COMFORTABLY!? Yes? Good! No? Sad times and find a soft and comfortable place to be…please…now….thank you… see! that’s better isn’t it!?

…What do you mean; the other passenger you just sat on disapproves!?

I never said to do THOSE sorts of things…. However, please enjoy the experience!

So, again totes soz buckets and all that jazz! I missed blogging I really did! I will update a few more times over the next few days bailawei, cos I have some time off werk! Yaaays! That’s why I'm here right nao!

Monday, 15 September 2014

Quote of the day!

Hello all! Scottie is back with another quote!
This time it's form one of my favourite authors, Neil Gaiman!
That man can craft the most epic story out of nothing... NOTHING I SWEAR! ahem... soz.
 “I thought I was your destination. Looks like I was just another stop on the line.”
I admit, that it's probably not the happiest of quotes, but to be very honest, I'm not feeling my best right now... but still, I do love a good train/travelling scene in a film, or a good book, and this quote clearly relates to and reminds one of a journey on a train!
Oh, how romantic! ;)
Take care one and all! and I shall be back soon enough!!!!!

Sunday, 7 September 2014

Quote of the Day!

Hello everyone! Good lord its been forever!? Hasn't it?
Totally soz buckets!
As you all may or may nto know, I have a christmas job and's been so busy and exhausting, that i've not had any time to think let alone blog.
So, I know it's not wednesday, but well... it's doesn't matter does it?...Does it?
So, sadly we have had the news in recent times of the depareture of Maya Angelou, Robin Williams and now Joan Rivers.
How sad. But, they all gave the world a little bit of extra shine, extra hope, extra wisdom.
So, today's quote is from the eternally honest Joan Rivers. R.I.P.
"I have to tell you that it's not going to be easy. Take every chance and every opportunity that you can. Don't say 'I can't' or 'I shouldn't' or 'I'm too tired."
~ Joan Rivers ~
This quote is so true! I mean we can't get to where we want to be in life if we don't work at it, even if its a bit at a time or lots of hard work all in one go.
Let's all try to remember this and find comfort that everyone has to do this at some point in their lives.

Sunday, 24 August 2014

Quote of the Day!!!!

Hello all! I am postign this quote of the day now, because well, I haven't done so in so long! so a big bucketful of sorry!
This quote is from the forever amazing Robin Williams, long may he rest in peace and keep heaven laughing! Gone too soon!  
"You're only given a little spark of madness.
You musn't lose it."
~ Robin Williams ~
Thank you for all the beautiful and wonderful memories Robin! Goodbye!
Everyone, this quote is so true! Let's not lose our little sparks of madness and individuality!  

Saturday, 23 August 2014

Of 80’s Soirees and Friendship

Hello one and all and good day, morning, afternoon, good evening and good night to you wherever or whenever you may be reading this little blog of mine, I’m gonna let it shine let it shine let it shine, let it shiiiiiinnneeeee!
Soz, I just HAD to get to that bit….
Totes sorry for lack of updatage! Slap me thrice and hand me to me mother…. Okay maybe not.
But still, So sorry all! I have been and still am a little under la weather.

Sunday, 3 August 2014

Quote of the Day

Hello you! Welcome back! So sorry for the uber late quote of the day! Life has been getting in the way, oh dear, totally soz buckets all!
Anyways, todays quote comes form one of my favourite books, Good Omens. I do highly reccomend it to everyone! Go read please and thenk you so very much to you please thank you....
Ahem... Here it is!
 “Honestly, if you're given the choice between Armageddon or tea, you don't say 'what kind of tea?” 
~ Neil Gaiman ~
~ Good Omens, The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch ~ 
HAHA How true that quote is! I do love my tea, and well, it's not exactly a deep and heavy philosophical quote, however, it does sort of glorify tea, and i'm all for that, as im sure you all know!
Don't forget to follow me on twitter and youtube please folks! ^____^
P.S. This whole page needs an overhaul, will get on it, also I will be making a youtube vid  very soon, finally, just been a bit of a block going on, but never fear! haha
Love and peace and Tea!

Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Manners…Where have they gone!?

Well hello there everyone! I hope this blog post finds you all bright and well! I also hope you are comfortably perusing my wordy romp, oh naughty! Preferably with a drink of some descript, which is also giving you pleasure, while also perhaps listening to your favourite choonz? Yes? Then fabulous!
So, today’s blog post is a somewhat rant-y one, so please accept my apologies beforehand! Apologies again as this post turned out rather long-ish! Sozbuckets!

Thursday, 24 July 2014

Quote of the Day!

Hello you beautiful people you! Yes tis my quote of the day! ^___^
I saw this quote below and thought it utterly charming and thus I had to share it with you all!
~ "Be Yourself, Everyone Else Is Taken" ~
How true it is! Why be someone else when you have a whole you to be. Be fabulous, be beautiful, be pretty, be sexy, be cool, be handsome, be cute, be funny, be witty, be confident and try to love yourself as much as possible, because, and I've said this before, at the end of the day, you only have you and your body, heart, mind and soul, so make the best of it!
So, Scottie Says...
Let's all try to be more like ourselves and less like everyone else! No one wants to be a sheep anyways...

Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Scottie Says...Now on Twitter!

Hello everyone!!!

So, I've only gone and done it! I've made a twitter account for Scottie Says...

YAYS! sadly I couldn't have actual 'Scottie Says...' but still... Below is the linkage! Please follow and keep an eye out on my tweets! I may throw out a few questions and the like and randomness! Enjoy...

And, you're welcome, I guess... ;)


So, Scottie Says.... Please follow ScottieHSays below!


P.S. Here is a link to my Youtube channel, as well! Oh how clear!

Scottie Says...Youtube Channel

Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Technology hates me…I think

Hello, Hello one and all!
Yes..welcome back!
First of all, totally soz buckets for lack of updatage recently! Life and the lack of a proper functioning kitchen have been getting in the way. Secondly, this HEAT! Oh mah lawd! It’s been stupidly hot and humid here in the UK/London recently, which is great and all, but it just makes sleeping comfortably difficult and the days are horrid so you just have no energy… oh dear.

Thursday, 17 July 2014

Quote of the Day!

Hello one and all I am back!!
I hope this quote of the day finds you all on a good day, or evening even, depending on where and also where in the world you may be reading this little proverbial nugget of interesting thought..ness...
Perhaps you are comfortable and with a nice drink or a nice snack even? If yes, then fantastic news! well done you! If not, then.. WHY NOT!? go at once and grab something, no matter how 'diet-destroying' and....consume...there, wasn't that better? Yes? Good, Let's delve in..Oh cheeky!
It's the quote of the day! By the by, totes soz for lack of updatage recently! Weve been having the kitchen re-done and's just disrupting everything!
This quote is from one of my favourite authors; Neil Gaiman.
"Write your story as it needs to be written. Write it honestly and tell it as best you can. I'm not sure that there are any other rules. Not ones that matter"
~Neil Gaiman~
The above quote is, well... so true, I knwo that this most likely relates more to writing than life, however it can be well applied to life. We should perhaps live life a little mroe honestly and go through life the way it needs to be and also learning to accept that our own stories are both as unique and as special as we are, each and every one of us and therefore we should try to live as close and honest to ourselves as possible.
So, Scottie Says...
Live and write what needs to be written folks! Be honest with yourself and those around you! and never forget your story and its path.
P.S. SONG OF THE WEEK: Red Light by f(x)

Thursday, 10 July 2014

Quote of The day!

Hello one and all!
So sorry for the lack of updates thesedays!
Did you all miss me!??? If yes, then thank you! If no, then well....RUDE!
I can blame a few things... first of all, Life, life is being really really mean to me thesedays, and I've done nothing to offend it the last time I checked! Sad times folks, sad times.
 Life is also throwing the proverbial spanner in the works, because well, we have the builders in for the next two weeks redoing our kitchen and so electricity was on and off as they had to rewire the whole house comment. secondly, my mind and heart, they are beign beaten down everyday but various things that I shant discuss in a QOTD post ;)
Anyways, I found this quote by one of my favourite authors! Neil Gaiman! Yes, please go forth immediately! and go read his books! all of them. Fab fab fab!
~ “Face your life, its pain, its pleasure, leave no path untaken.” ~ 
~ Neil Gaiman ~ The Graveyard Book ~
I like this quote, because, well it is totally true, no? I suppose we can't and nor should we even run away or try and avoid all these things in life, be they good, bad or ugly; they all add up and make us who we are right? So, as annoying and as difficult is may be for all of us, myself included, perhaps we should just embrace it all and go running down each of those paths that appear before us and just try to 'Go with the flow'
Peace and love to you all! ~ Scottie

P.S. Song of the week is, Crush - Hug me
(Got that song on repeat!)

Thursday, 3 July 2014

Slightly Late... Quote of the Day!

Hey all!
Tis Scottie here! Hope you are all keeping well!? Yes...? Yes?? ... Good.
So today's slightly late Quote of the Day, is a quote I found on my facebook feed.
It's form the book: Kafka on the Shore, By Haruki Murakami.
I just loved this quote and so had to share it with you all! I hope you all like it.
No I have yet to read the book, but I shall get around to it for sure folks!
"But if something did happen, it happened. Whether it's right or wrong. I accept everything that happens, and thats how I became the person I am now."
~ Haruki Murakami ~ Kafka on the Shore ~  
So there ya have it folks! I feel that this one actually links in with my monday blog post! I mean, accept everything that happens, for some things we can't change and other's well...once its happened, it's happened, just take from it what you can and or will and let it shape you into a better you.
PSDon't forget to check out my new youtube video, which I uploaded today! Cheersthanksalotsweetydarlings! ;)

Youtube ~ Whats In My Bag? ~ Tag

Hey all!
Tis Scottie here! Hope you are all keeping well!? Yes...? Yes?? ... Good.
Just a quick note to say that I have updated my youtube account with a new video! Oh yes I have! and yes it is the:
Whats In My Bag? Tag.
Please Like, Comment, Subscibe and Enjoy!!!!

Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Baggage, Baggage and more bleedin’ Baggage!

HELLO EVERYONE! Yes I am back your friendly neighbourhood Scottie!
Long time no see? Perhaps…. But it will never be for long! MUWHAHAHAAHAHAH
That’s right folks! Y’all got me fo’ laife!
Oh dear sorry about all that, was getting a tad hysterical all up in here innit bruv….totes soz.

Thursday, 26 June 2014

Quote of the Day!!

Hello! Hello one and all!
I hope you are all well and happy and content in life at the moment!
I found this quote and new immediately it had to be my quote of the day!
I could not agree with this quote more!!! I feel liek too many of us try to fit into what society, our friends, family, work and even ourselves expect of us.
I mean why?
What is the gain?
Isn't it better to be yourself than to waste time and effort being someone/thing that isn't really you and that you arn't comfortable with?
It takes all kinds of peopel t make up this beautiful world we inhabit and I just wished that more people walked down the road looking how they want to look, loving who they love, doing what they want to and love doing and being who they really are, then surely the world would be a much happier place!? No?

~ Trying to be someone else is a waste of the person you are ~
So, Scottie Says...
Please let's not all waste our lives trying to be someone we are not, and embrace what you have and make the most/best of it! Good Luck everyone!
P.S. Here is a lovely little linky to the first video of my new Youtube channel! (The vid works now) Please check it out and like, comment and subscribe! Thanks folks! Love to all!

Wednesday, 25 June 2014


Hello one and all! Tis I! Scottie!

Yes... I have done it, finally! I have only gone and bloody made a youtube channel! woohoo!
come one come all cometh please and thank you! :D

Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Of Youtube and Life…

Hello my dear friends and followers! How are we all? … good? Bad? Yes, yes? No? Sorry to hear that if you are less than exuberant this day or night or even twilight, wherever and whenever you may be reading and/or perusing this blog post!
Welcome back everyone! So so sorry for being a little absent recently, I have been busy with things and lacking in a bit of creativity, oh dear. This shall be a fairly short one today by la way! Also to make up for being away, have a picture of the current incarnation of my tea drawer! Athankyou!

Saturday, 21 June 2014

Laate Quote of the Day!

SO SO sorry for lack of any updatage and what not, like totes seriously soz buckets!
Anyho, I have decided to add in a new segment? to mah blooogage! yes! review friday! more on that in next update!
So, here is my very late, quote of the day!
~ Never waste your time trying to explain who you are to people who are committed to misunderstanding you. ~
You are most welcome ;) hah!
Anyways I totally beleive in those words! I mean if someone is not interestest in the real you, then why bother to try and explain who you are? its a waste of everyones time and effort.
AND you whouldn't be someone who can be explained so easily, we are all humans afterall, we are difficult and infinitely complex creatures.
Much love, hugs and kisses from beautifully sunny London town! Until next time folks!
So, Scottie says....Take care and don't explain who you are and just be you!

Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Quote of the day! :)

Heya folks! so, I know I aven't updated on monday, so sorry about that! but please take this lovely quote by the fabulous Maya Angelou.
"If you are always trying to be normal you will never know how amazing you can be."
~ Maya Angelou ~
This quote I do really like and believe in, as there's too many people out there trying to fit into stereotypes within their societies and amongst their family and friends and are so hung up on trying to be so called 'normal', that they are losing or have even lost themselves.
It's a crying shame I say.
remember, that you are unique and that ONLY YOU CAN BE YOU, so why be what other people want you to be? Wheres the fun or naturality in that!? There isn't. so pelase go out there and be yourself, no matter how hard no matter how difficult, no matter how 'different', just please, please, be YOU.
Love to you all who are here reading this darlings! you are all beautiful and special!
Scottie xoxo

Saturday, 7 June 2014

Late... Quote of the Day!

Hello one and all! Soz buckets it's not wednesday but Saturday and well, here is my quote of the day!
 I hope y'all like it! I think that we all need to accept this and then that way we may better become happier, both within ourselves and our lives but also when it comes to the pursuit of love and career.

I of course am mostly reffering to love, but thats a personal thing, as I've more or less given up on love, it sucks..
You’re imperfect and you’re wired for struggle, but you are WORTHY of love and of belonging.
~ Brené Brown ~
The above quote I came across while browsing the net/google and loved the sentiment, it's so true! live long and prosper one and all! Oh how very Star Trek! 
P.S. She is an American scholar, author, and public speaker! Ooh er!

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

The Tea Drawer of Life

Hello my one and only lovlies!

How are you ? Good? Yes? Fab! Let’s get this show on la road!

Today’s topic is about something that is very close to my heart…. Is it, of course…


Friday, 30 May 2014

Quote Of The Day!

Hello Everyone! and yays for double postage! I know you all love me right? and I love you all too!
Today's Quote Of The Day is from the wonderfu land purely beautiful Maya Angelou whom the world lost recently. She truly was and still is an inspiration!
"We May Encounter Many Defeats,
But We Must Not Be Defeated."
This is just one of like a billion quotes of her's that I love. But let's have this one for today. Let's all keep going, no matter how mad and how crazy everythign gets, no matter how many times we are attacked and dragged down by whatever, say to yourself...Still, I rise.

The Great Job Hunt!


Hello Hello Hello! ONE AND ALL! Did you all miss me? yes? Why thank you I missed you too! No? well….thanks for being here either way!

So Sorry for not updating sooner! As well, basically life got in la way so to speak. I know, I know any well rounded young man such as myself should know how to balance a perfect blend of work, fun, play, life etc etc, oh wait I have no job! Well…that’s that equation out the proverbial window.

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Gym, Gym, Gym!

Hello one and all! Hope you all had a fabulous Monday! Aaannndddd thank gawd it’s over right!? Am I right? OR AM I RIGHT!? Hahaha
So, how are we all?
Good? Yes?
Well I'm fine too thank you very much.

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Quote of the Day!

Hey folks! 'tis I! Scottie!
Did y'all miss me? yes? no? booo if no yays if yes!
so, I was mooching about the internet, as one does and I came across this wonderful quote!
"No matter how many mistakes you make or how slow you progress, you are still way ahead of everyone who isn’t trying."
Isn't it lovely? yes? yes? good!
I really do beleive in this, and to that I will add that to start is half done.
Whatever it is that you want to do or dream of doing, do something, anything, even if its a new hobby or even an old hobby that you left behind for whatever reason, go back ot it, take it up and live, spend time withyourself and make and do.
If youve always wanted to sell the jumpers you knitted, or if youve always wanted to study theatre, go for it! jsut do something.
At the risk of sounding liek a tacky old commercial.... Don't delay! Start today!
May I jsut be the first to say, LOL and CRINGAGE!
ahem.... soz buckets.
So, Scottie Says....
Get going and get off from that seat and start, even the smallest step will be worthwhile, remember, one foot infront of the other!

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Eurovision 2014: Paper balls, Cheering and Booing


Oh haaay boyz and gurls! How y’all been doing? Good? Yes ? yes? No? well I'm sorry to hear that and let me just say that I hope you are all sitting or standing or kneeling…or whatever you are doing while reading this post, comfortably! With, perhaps a nice cup of tea in hand, or even a herbal infusion for the more ‘experimental’ among you all, oooh!

Anyways today’s topic is this year’s Eurovision Song Contest!

Yes…you DID just read that right! Muwhahaha….

Soz…bucket load of soz…

So! Where was I?... Ah yes! Eurovision 2014!

Friday, 9 May 2014

Quote of the day!

Heya alll my lovlies!
Hope you've all been well and having a blat whatever you are doing, be it drinking a cup of tea or out there clubbing it up with the young'uns!

Here is the quote of the day! I found this and thought it was lovely and encompassed so much in so few words.

Today I had two of my lovely friends from college over for lunch, I cooked and oh how we laughed at well pretty much everything and life.

It means a lot to have friends and havign friends is one of the most important thigns in life; they can help make us, they are there for us when no one else is, they are our go-to when we need cheering up, a boost in confidence, advice, fun and moee besides...oh dear ive writte ntoo much and also have gone a tad yoda-esque on you all! oh myy! (a la the marvelous George Takei)

"It is not so much our friends' help that helps us, as the confidence of their help"

~ Epicurus ~
There ya go folks! too be honest theres like a GAJILLION quotes out there, but hey, I try, for you love meeeeeeee! haha I jest... really I do, Just enjoy this blog...please? Anyways I do beleive in that quote above!
Tell me what you all think in the comments below!
Cheers folks! see you all on monday!!! 

Monday, 5 May 2014

Fashion, Fashion, Fashion!

DASSRIGHT! I'm back! didya miss me? no? well.... I say steady on eh...
Either wayz.. WELCOME BACK!
So, today’s topic is fashion, well to be more precise, fashionable people.
My question and ponderings of the day are this:
What makes a person fashionable? How does one define a Fashionista and a fashion terrorist?

Sunday, 4 May 2014

Quote of The Day!

Hey folks! So, I found this quote by the masterful Lau Tzu, I must say that I totally agree, it is a perfect surmisation of life.
I suppose it could be said that thesedays everyone has experienced depression on all levels and with the way the world is now, we all live much more anxiously..But peace? Peace seems to me to be fleeting, that perhaps we take thigns for granted? Or society has made us look forward and back too much? perhaps the world we have created for ourselves is actually taking away this 'present' time with ourselves and our loved ones.
It is important to know, remember the past, be it general or love, we also have to acknowledge that we all do and will get anxious abotu all sorts of things, be it work, or potential love.
If you are depressed you are living in the past.
If you are anxious you are living in the future.
If you are at peace you are living in the present.
~ Lao Tzu ~
So, Scottie Says...
Lets all try to remember the present is now and let's live it! ^_^
p.s. soz buckets for not updating la quote of la day earlier! It's been a tad hectik here what with seeing friends and socialisingz! Blog updatage on the morrow! LUV YA!

Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Face Time! The Beauty Edition! Ooh!

Hey folks! Welcome back to my lovely lovely blog! Even if I say so myself! And a bigger welcome back to you all!

If you are currently reading this (be it on a packed commuter train, the local coffee shop, library, sneakily at work or chillaxing at home) with a hot beverage in hand, preferably tea..of some descript, then I applaud you and if not then well.. I shall give you a curt nod and smile for at least turning up for the proceedings, oh I’ve gone all ‘court-case’ on everyone, do apologise!

Anyway, today’s blog postage is about the face…your face…my face...our faces.

What I want to know from you all is this: what do you use to and how do you take care of your face?

What do you use on your face daily? Weekly? Monthly?! What are your key tips and tricks?  Or do you just bung your make up on and go for it, or do you throw caution to the wind and embrace no makeup, be you male or female?

So, to start us off, I will say, this pic below is my ‘basic’ face.

Which consists of:
(1) green tea moisturising serum,
(2) eye roll-on,
(3) sometimes I use a general moisturiser,
(4) sometimes I use an eye cream,
(5 )and if I really want a good base/finish to my face, then I end with using green tea seed cream.

THEN it’s time for la (6) BB cream, MEN’S BB cream mind! Haha usually over any area that’s not looking that good otherwise it’s generally my eyes, them blasted bags! And not the good type I can tell you that now for free! Whoever allowed bags to appear on the face like this should have been given a good talking to! Ahem…

And if I'm going out, out, then I put BB cream all over my face, usually I do this for work as well. Then these days I finish with a bit of ‘warming-up’ of my face and maybe a tad contouring… ^__^ thank god for (7) MAC powder studio fix and the Korean cosmetics company Innisfree!


For cleanage I use:
(1) face wipes and I like to use a
(2) volcanic mud pack mask thingy sometimes, which is AMAZING after I’ve washed it off, and
(3) nose pore strips,
(4) I sometimes use another face pack/mask
also sometimes I use face masks, from Korea and under eye patches (not pictured).

I tend to these days try and drink more water and I also like to have a glass of hot water with a slice of lemon with a couple teaspoons of lemon juice added, to help detox and clear my skin.

Luckily, I have never had to worry about my skin in terms of spots etc, as neither of my parents have ever had skin problems, and thank god I don’t have any either. Of course everyone is different and of course everyone’s skin will respond to different things, different treatments and even a similar product from one company to another company could be good or bad for you. Again let’s just go through and try out different things and see what works best for us and our skin!

And there you have it folks! 'my face' lol as it very much were! I will do a review post and hopefully a video as well!

So, as I said before, what are some of your skin rituals? Your tips hints and cheats, leave them in the comments section below!

So, Scott Says…

Love your face, and let’s all try to take just that little bit more care of it, as it gets the most exposure to the environment around us.

Friday, 25 April 2014

Quote of the day!

Hey folks! so, I came across this lovely quote the otherday and decided to share it with all of you fabulous people out there! It's an interesting sentiment and one we should all try to live by!
"Don’t be into trends. Don’t make fashion own you, but you decide what you are, what you want to express by the way you dress and the way you live."
~ Gianni Versace ~
Scottie Says...
Go out there and be the best YOU, that ONLY YOU can be!

Monday, 21 April 2014

Food, Obsessions and Instagram

Pink Cherry Blossom Tree ~ Beautiful

Well Hello there one and all! ARE YOU STILL WITH ME!? I do hope so.

I also hope that you are all comfortably reading this newest addition to my blog! Yays! If not then I'm sorry for you and I hope that this post brightens your day or even makes you think a little.

I am sat here on my laptop writing this with a cup of hot green tea, from powder no less, oh yes I do things properly! Haha ahem...

Thursday, 17 April 2014

Quote of the week!

Hi all! I know it's not been a week since my last update, but, here is a new lil thing for y'all!

It's my quote of the day..okay week? or month? Let's go with week then...cos I know you want to!

옷깃만 스쳐도 인연..

Its fate even if a person brushes past your sleeve.

(Korean proverb/saying (roots in Buddhism)

Basically, every kind of human encounter is destiny.
The above is one of my favourite quotes, I believe it to be true also, it is a lovely and very interesting sentiment.

let's all try to remember this!

So Scottie Says..

옷깃만 스쳐도 인연..

Monday, 14 April 2014

London Book Fair 2014 and Sparkle

Hey folks!

Yes, yes ‘tis I! Your one and only Scottie! Okay sorry… sorry.

But, yes! I am back! Did ya miss me!?

No? Well..well okay then….

Moving swiftly on!

I love reading and always have done, I have read my fair share of books and stories, both online and offline, by both professional and published writers and also by internet based amateur authors; it matters not, just if the story has that little sparkle to hook me.

Sunday, 6 April 2014

K-Fashion Odyssey and Valentine’s Day 2014

K-Fashion Oyssey 2014 - From my Instagram - Asianpopguru - Follow me!

Heya folks! It’s your friendly neighbourhood Scottie here! Let me start off by saying soz buckets for the very ‘run of la mill’ blog title. I shall try to not let it happen again…I pomise!

Friday, 4 April 2014

Hello everyone and welcome, welcome to Scottie Says blog!

First of all a hearty and happy welcome! To one and to all! Big and small, little and large. Long and short, I could go on but I shant.

Anyway, welcome to my blog! It’s only a humble blog, but please, give it and by extension me, as much love and care as you can…please? Thank you

Now, down to the nitty gritty.

“My name is Scott”

“Hello Scott”

“Yes, Hello world”

Yes well enough of that, I’m making myself look mad, when in fact, I am just a little crazy…at times mad, granted, but mostly a little crazy….and yes I am aware that the difference IS negligible…OR IS IT!?


Anyway, if you are still reading this, then HOORAH! Take a sip of whatever you are drinking, right now in celebration of getting this far into what should have been a jolly and ever so polite ‘Intro’ piece.

Although, forgive my digression here, but I believe that one and all for that matter should be supping, yes I said supping, upon, one of the following:

TEA (any kind…I’m not fussy, hey, when it’s good, it’s good)

Alcohol (see above)

Wine (preferably a nice and refreshing sweet desert rose wine of good quality but low price, BELIEVE ME! they are out there!..if you didn’t already know)

That is all for my little list, even though it’s just three items…does that constitute being deemed a ‘list’? I don’t know and too be frank, I don’t care, and it is a list to us! Isn’t that right fellow readers!? ARE YOU WITH ME!? ……..




“Yes hello, we are still here, get on with it please..”

Oh, sorry, HI!

Now, back to business; WELCOME TO MY BLOG EVERYBODY! Thank you for visiting and thank you for joining me on this journey!

This blog will generally cover the main topics of (ooh another list! I love a good list, but more on that in another post!):







Yes, there you have it! ^

This blog will also, have a heavy bias towards Korean music, entertainment, lifestyle, fashion, art, food as well as covering other and miscellaneous topics, also, I shall be doing some reviews of various products and things I possess, have seen, or have been too, or eaten.

I hope you all like my blog!

If there is anything you want me to cover, talk about, or if you have any questions you want me to answer! Please feel free to ask away! I may also do a vlog to go with this blog… but who can say?

That, sadly, is it for now folks!

See you on the next post!

Scottie Says…Sayonara!