Tuesday 1 July 2014

Baggage, Baggage and more bleedin’ Baggage!

HELLO EVERYONE! Yes I am back your friendly neighbourhood Scottie!
Long time no see? Perhaps…. But it will never be for long! MUWHAHAHAAHAHAH
That’s right folks! Y’all got me fo’ laife!
Oh dear sorry about all that, was getting a tad hysterical all up in here innit bruv….totes soz.

On a side note, I have over 1000 views! I just am so happy to see that there! I know it may not be a huuuuuge number, however, to me each and every one of you that read my blog, comments or no comments, aside, it really means a lot to me! so Thank you all and I hope you continue to read and enjoy my little soiree? In written and verbal form, if you check out my Youtube channel, yes I will update tomorrow, by the way!
So, I was just there on Youtube casually and saw that one of my fave Youtubers, David So, had uploaded a new video.
I must say, I totally agree with him, baggage people he and I am now talking about BAGGAGE! No not the baggage you have at the airport, emotional, life related baggage…ISSUES!
I also feel that we need to deal with our baggage, so that it doesn’t affect our current and/or future relationships at any point. Comparing your current partner to a past one is a sure-fire way to lose them. It’s true. So ner! Haha
But I mean of course who DOESN’T have baggage of some kind and the older one get’s the more baggage one seems to accumulate. However what is key here, is how we all deal with these issues, these emotional spikes, these ‘slaps-to-the-faces’ as it were.
I suppose it’s not only emotional/life baggage, but in all aspects of life I believe we need to sit back and take a look at ourselves and how we treat other people, are we letting past problems an/or other or even our own mistakes, issues, grievances all get in the way and rear their ugly heads, because we can’t or haven’t yet totally addressed these problems.
I caught myself saying to myself the other day, “I’m trying so hard to not become one of those bitter hermit-like walled-heart cynical people”. I won’t lie it only mildly surprised me, as also these days I like to believe I am un-shockable, haha…Anyway…. I realised it’s due to my lack of a love life and also that coupled with the great big struggle of that great big job hunt, it’s easy to become detached from life and to allow baggage to build up and take over one’s life.
But! Of course it is how we choose to deal with such things, for example, I claim that I am fed up with men and boys, however I carry on; now this isn’t due to me liking pain of rejection or the like, no, no, it’s quite simply, down to that little last thing that was left clinging to the inside lid of Pandora’s box after she opened it…
Yes people, I’m talking about, HOPE.
Through hope of better days ahead we all plough on through life. Which is fab, but on the flip-side, do we ever actually manage to learn from and grow from the experiences of life? Do we ever and can we ever truly ever just ‘let go’? Or do they all build up and burst out and various points and times a la meltdown or do they come out in fits and bursts?
Who can say really, as everyone is different.
I really do, hope I've made some semblance of sense in this post folks! If not then sorry! If yes, then yays!
So, Scottie Says…
Try to choose to let go of any problems in your life, that are either happening right now or that have happened in the past or that which might come to pass, it’s best and healthy for all concerned or otherwise. Let’s all try to not let our baggage affect us and our lives so/too much and let go and move on to bigger, better and brighter days basking in the glory of daylight!
P.S. soz about the rather long and sad/depressing/serious? Post! However, normal service shall resume form Wednesday with another quote of the day! Which will link to this post nicely me thinks! Lovage to you all!  

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