Tuesday 22 July 2014

Technology hates me…I think

Hello, Hello one and all!
Yes..welcome back!
First of all, totally soz buckets for lack of updatage recently! Life and the lack of a proper functioning kitchen have been getting in the way. Secondly, this HEAT! Oh mah lawd! It’s been stupidly hot and humid here in the UK/London recently, which is great and all, but it just makes sleeping comfortably difficult and the days are horrid so you just have no energy… oh dear.

So, Yes, now that I have brought it up, I have to say this, well…who else never really realised how important a kitchen is to just general everyday usage!?
I mean, don’t get me wrong, I know the kitchen is an essential part of any modern home, but, it really is almost the centre of my world…at least when at home… Maybe I really AM food etc obsessed!?  Haha if that really does turn out to be the case, which I strongly feel it is, then..well.. I won’t deny it… #itsallimsayingdon’tjudgeme #ilovemyfood #soshouldyou
Also, arghhhh so, recently, I was invited to complete one of ‘those’ video interviews…..
Can I just say…
NO….just NO. I do NOT approve of this way of conducting interviews!
Please stop.
Has anyone else tried a video interview before? If so, what are your thoughts on them?
I personally feel awkward and feel that my real self could never be brought out in a video interview..I mean there’s not another human being the other side of the camera and thus one can’t respond appropriately…it’s just laziness and money saving if you ask me…what’s that? You didn’t ask!? Well good sir, or madam, how very dare you, for I am trying to use this system, which is flawed…
YES FLAWED I SAY! Either that or…technology hates me finally…. Sad times.
So, as I was saying before la massive digression, soz all.
I had been trying to do this video interview for ages now and well, it just wasn’t working, I mean wth! I’ve tried every way possible, but no. perhaps it’s a sign…good or bad I don’t know.
Anyways I am pleased to say that I managed to conduct a phone interview thingy and have to go to an assessment centre. Yays…so let’s just go with it was a good sign.
That’s all for today folks, just a quickie (oh! cheeky!)
So Scottie Says…
Keep going no matter what! Even if technology or whatever else fails you, keep going at it and find a way around it! It proves and shows that you want the job/position and it also shows to yourself that you can approach these sorts of setbacks with ease, grace and vigour….one hopes.
P.S. SONG OF THE WEEK! As you had all seen form the last couple of quotes of the week posts, I have introduced a song of the week, yes that’s right, I love music and will soon turn these into a review…perhaps..what do you all think? Or should I just youtube video the reviews?
Anyways, HERE:
Infinite – Back
Back is a fantastic song, fab choreography and cool as fook MV!

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