Monday 14 April 2014

London Book Fair 2014 and Sparkle

Hey folks!

Yes, yes ‘tis I! Your one and only Scottie! Okay sorry… sorry.

But, yes! I am back! Did ya miss me!?

No? Well..well okay then….

Moving swiftly on!

I love reading and always have done, I have read my fair share of books and stories, both online and offline, by both professional and published writers and also by internet based amateur authors; it matters not, just if the story has that little sparkle to hook me.

So, by happy coincidence I ended up working at the London Book Fair; I have just completed working there as an interpreter Korean-English and vice-versa. I t was my first time doing such a thing and anyone who knows me will tell you that my confidence in my language skills fluctuate a LOT, sometimes I fall apart when speaking in Korean if I feel I am spouting gobbledygook other times I can be lucid and even fast and free-flowing when communicating in Korean. 

And yes, to those of you reading this, Yes I can speak Korean, it was my degree at uni actually! Oh yes! I’m educated you know! Oh lala….

Ahem… getting back to the point in question…not that there really was one, but yes…

So! There were 7 electronic publishing companies there, and I must say, they were all such lovely people! I am also happy to report that I made some great and cool new friends. Damn... this gives me even more reasons to move to Korea... hehe

Anyways! There was another girl there, who was also interpreting along with me. I'm also glad to report that she and I have become good friends over the 4 days of working together!

I always find it interesting and weird being at such events, as it proves time and time again that there really is a wide and varied array of people in this world.

However; I do find that the slightly…how shall I say? ‘odd-ball’ people seem to manage to home in on me and lock me into a conversation about well…an old Latin to English bible translator….

Yes…yes this happened to me the other day… and let me tell you, it was as excruciating as it sounds, not because of what it was about, no, but because the man brought up the topic, which has nothing to do with electronic publishing and was being so boring about the subject and beyond slow with-pretty-much-every-word-or-syllable….blegh.

I mean, I was working and may have been needed to help out one of the companies’ assistants, it was just wrong timing.

I seem to attract them…. Oh dear.

Yes, yes I see you all sitting there laughing at me from behind your mug of hot beverage, which I sincerely hope is tea, of some kind!

Anyway, my point is this; for I have just made-up the point and have now again just lost it again….

Anyways! I have a new found interest and appreciation for electronic publishing and also books. It was an interesting time, there were a glut of booths, from all countries, from far and wide, there were also huge booths form some of the world’s biggest book publishers as well as medical, children’s and education companies. It really was a book lover’s paradise, and yes, I loved it, I loved walking around with one of my now new friends, to go talk to companies and translate and help get meetings, or information.

I loved seeing how many people there are who come to such events and how huge and varied this area really is.

I loved walking around with brochures by myself and growing my confidence by going up to these huge companies such as Harper Collins, and talking to them about electronic publishing and such like.

I loved doing something, moving about, talking to people and meeting new ad interesting people.

I even got to go to a special reception for the market focus of this year’s fair, (Korea), which was held inside BAFTA. Yes, yes it was fabulous inside and there was even, in the toilets, Korean artist, Shin Meekyoung’s now famous ‘soap sculptures’, the two in the men’s were of Buddha seated, one in white/cream and the other in red, see below.

Again, what can I say, I would like my life to be a little bit more like this, and have a little bit more sparkle, one day, sooner rather than later, I hope to attain that extra sparkle.
Everyone needs that bit of extra sparkle in their lives, right? What do you all think? Tell me below.

Scottie Says…

It really does take every kind of person to make this world the beautiful place that it is and I hope that we all learn to respect everyone in every way.

So, let’s all be that extra bit of sparkle for someone today. Call that friend, that lover, that family member, go out and be fabulous and friendly. Whatever it is, sparkle and remember folks, keep reading!

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