Sunday 2 November 2014

Dreams and reality

Hello one and allllllll!!!!!!!!!!!!
Scottie is back in da house!

Well, I must say that yes I have been missing you all and missing writing and blogging! MAJOR APOLOGIES FOR THAT! My job at the moment, although I love it, it is killing my life lol but I am determined to make this work and to improve in as many areas of life, both offline and online as much as I can!
Will you all help me? I can try to help you all too! :D
I'm still on my looong…health kick and am working all the hours god sends…it feels like anyway haha its autumn now, well and truly and as such thoughts and feelings tend to turn to being alone and warmth of being in doors with comfort food.
So, today I will throw something out there, it’s nothing special, but here ya go anyways!
I have been thinking about my future and my wants and passions recently and well…who knows, I just want to get to where I want to be in life, I feel like time is slipping away from me. I mean recently my life has been a little up and down, more down when it comes to being single and finding someone but you don’t need to know about that today haha
How do we know which dreams and which realities we should follow? I mean I’ve always dreamed of being an actor, or a model, or even a pop star and an artist and or fashion designer.
I'm sad to say that, like most of the populace out there, I too haven’t been able to reach my dreams and goals in life.
However, I know I'm not model, actor, singer material, but, what I do know is that for all the lack of my confidence, I know that my area of passion and ability is art, design and fashion.
However, I can’t be the only one out there thinking that to get to ones dream and or goals, it is just so damn difficult, especially, like me, you chose a different and even somewhat more difficult route through life, but hey, I have always chosen to do things that I enjoy, regardless of whether or not it would actually get me closer to my future goals.
What are some of your own goals in life, your dreams and your realities? What have you had to let go of and/or leave behind and set down forever, or even for a short time, be it due to life, unforeseen circumstances, or even through needing a break of sorts…?
Are you currently doing your dream job? Or have you fashioned your own little groove in this little thing we call life?
Do you have any advice to share here for one and all? What did you do to get to where you wanted to get in life? Am I asking too much? Soz buckets! But still lovage to you all!
Anyways, I have decided that I’d love to get into event management, that’s the reality, and the dream is to go into fashion/designing. Any ideas folks? Please and thank you! :D
All I can say is….watch this space folks! Hahaha
I think we should all try to follow our dreams a little bit more each and every day; I know a girl who went off and lived in Thailand and is now living in India, she’s been learning all about yoga and meditation and all that sort of ancient practises, which enrich and deepen one’s mind, body and soul. That’s the sort of stuff I'm talking about!
Even if you just use your skills etc and turn them into hobbies and start building it up and up, who knows what might happen, I mean we only get the one life so why not go balls out, if you excuse the vernacular. And try making things happen!
So, Scottie says…
Let’s all try and get to our dreams and goals in life, no matter how long the road is, let’s just try to work on it each and every day, a little at a time eh? Good luck my darlings! Mwah! xx

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