Monday 21 April 2014

Food, Obsessions and Instagram

Pink Cherry Blossom Tree ~ Beautiful

Well Hello there one and all! ARE YOU STILL WITH ME!? I do hope so.

I also hope that you are all comfortably reading this newest addition to my blog! Yays! If not then I'm sorry for you and I hope that this post brightens your day or even makes you think a little.

I am sat here on my laptop writing this with a cup of hot green tea, from powder no less, oh yes I do things properly! Haha ahem...


So, food, food, food…

I love food, it’s no secret and I’m quite happy to say that I am somewhat of a ‘foodie’ and I am quite open to trying new and various foods and drinks for that matter!


Sometimes to me, it feels that too many people sniff and turn their noses up at some really delicious foods from various countries around the world, because they think they might not like it.

It’s weird, I mean at least give it a go, millions of people can’t be that far off with their taste buds right?....right!? But then again everyone of course has their own opinions and thoughts of food, this is just my opinion don’t kill me!

HOWEVER, I can’t see myself every trying escargot, or dog. I don’t mean to be a hypocrite but I just don’t think I can do it…however I have said such things before and well…. My friends know how that’s all turned out, I’ve ended up trying most things in life…in every way and on every level… oh dear… TMI soz buckets!

But yes, so onto the next, I suppose a couple of years ago I started to become properly addicted to the popular photo networking application: Instagram

What do I mostly post?

Yes, you guessed it…

FOOD! Muwahahahah

It’s become somewhat of a little passion of mine, recording what I eat and where, making it look as pretty as possible and also just sharing some of my interesting dishes that I have discovered and/or made. It really IS such fun! A la Miranda!

Instagram really is a very interesting platform; I mean its visual and who can ignore something that’s visual?

Something written is great, but it is true what they say; a picture is worth 1000 words.

I do believe this as well. I also enjoy taking photos of pretty things, cute things and scenery, or anything interesting I may spot on my travels through life.

This world is full of so many interesting things and it would be a crime to not even attempt to record even a tiny part of that journey through life and around the world, this is why Instagram is such an interesting medium for me. I know some people don’t like it as much as other mediums, but perhaps I am more drawn to it due to my background in art, painting and sculpture?

What do you all think? Tell me what you think below.  Do you like Instagram? Why? What do you tend to post?

I also believe as well, that due to the increasing popularity of such things as Instagram and Pinterest, that more and more people are able to get into and even hone their photography skills, which, in one’s own humble opinion, can only be a good thing.

Art, in all its many forms, are well, let’s be honest an expression of our own psyche and innermost thoughts, wants, dreams, hates and desires… isn’t it?

The creative arts is definitely a place to fall into and become obsessed with, for the most part, hehe

Oh dear this whole blog post was a bit…corny? Soz… #sorrynotsorry

Oh dear I fear the corniness is not done with….

So, Scottie Says…

Let’s all get just that bit more obsessed with the more ‘picturesque’ side of life and enjoy food and share it about, not in a showy way, but in a friendly and community minded way. 


GO FORTH AND….Instagram that s**t up!

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