Monday 10 November 2014

Exercise and Weight Loss Time!

Hello one and all!
I hope you are all reading this comfortably! If not then WHY NOT!? Nothing good ever came from being uncomfortable…now really… did it? Okay now I'm not so sure even anymore… stop unnerving me!
Ahem…soz buckets all.
So, today’s topic is about exercise and health. Yes…that’s right…I SAID IT! hah!

As some of you may or may not know, I have been fighting the big ol weight demon for most of my life and well, I am 26 years young and I have a dear friend’s wedding coming up in December, not long left I know! Whoopsie!
But, I am going to the gym and I have a plan which a friend of mine put together for me, my job makes me so dead at the end of the day, for anyone who hasn’t had the joy of working in retail, just know that it is actually a hard and draining job! So ner! :P ahem…. Soz …
I digress…
But yes, so on my two days off a week I have made it that I go to the gym and do my workouts and try to watch what I eat as well. So, I'm thinking of buying a tub of lean protein powder to aid me in my weight loss and definition escapade! Or adventure…depends on which way one would like to look at it tbvh…
Its not my normal ‘thing’ to do, as luckily I have been blessed with a body that if I concentrate a bit, then I can lose weight fairly quickly, however I put on weight easy too! Grr!
So I thought a change of tact was in order and thus yes I have just this very moment decided to buy some protein powder! Woop woop!
So, WATCH THIS SPACE FOLKS! I mean, I have to, I'm sick and tired of waking up and looking in the mirror and just not being content with what I see and having to fight the demons day in and day out! I know I'm not the only one who feels like this, but I'm not a fan of weird crazy faddy diets cos I love my food too much haha
Also I have to do this otherwise what’s the point in buying nice clothes! T_T I have some lovely tops that’s I can’t weir because of my lovely and tasty might I add, ‘cakeshelf’ a la Sarah Millican.
So yes… that’s it for today, ‘twas a weird and little blog post, nothing gained and nothing spent really was it? Soz buckets, next one will be more interesting!
ALSO! I have sum news, I'm ready to impart!
So, two of my good friends have YouTube accounts as well as I and we shall be doing collaboration soon! So keep your eyes open for that one please! Also I shall return with a new video next week methinks!
I also have some other things that I'm working on at the moment, and as things become a bit more set in place, I shall update you all!
Bailawei! THANK YOU SO MUCH  to everyone who drops on by to read my blog posts and comments, likes, shares etc are always loved and appreciated!
I will be doing a Q&A post soon!!!! Also, so please send in your questions! Thankyouverymuch!
So Scottie Says…
We gotta stop disliking ourselves and start improving ourselves and loving who we are and going towards our goals! Lets do it together! We all need help, even I do! Let’s go!!!!! 

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