Monday 1 December 2014

Work and goals…I'M WITH MY PEOPLE!

Hey there folks!

Welcome back to Scottie says!

The bestest and honest and mostest funage one shall have on the internet! (Not really, but one can dream and/or hope) …when reading a blog at least…but that’s a convo for another time I fear..
How are you all?? Id like to say a huge thank you with a bucket load of kisses, hugs and imaginary cookies (or any other  sweet treat your heart desires); yes, thank you all for reading my blog and giving me more confidence to continue on!
So today’s topic s about work and goals.

I have a few new friends from work I am happy to say. Where I work the staff are all quite nice and friendly and most of all they are all creative and/or come from that sort of interesting and diverse background! It’s amazing haha

Why ish? Because well, we are all in the same melting pot that is retail, the highs and lows, lefts and rights that come with this world; which is often seen as seemingly ‘easy’ work, which it is not! FYI…ahem…soz…
Anyways I find it so interesting and also a little sad how all these cool, interesting and creative people are struggling to get their designs off the ground or their businesses started; both of which need both time and money, and if you are a full timer like myself, you find you have no time for anything, as retail is shift work and changes weekly. (Yes it is time to wheel out the proverbial ‘sad times’.)
However they are managing to slowly at least get their stuff off the ground. It’s just taking and will take longer than anyone had initially thought or even hoped and wanted…but, hey-ho, such is life.
I too am now ‘stuck’ so to speak, in working a 40 hour week on my feet all day and not being able to have a life so to speak and not being able to dedicate proper time to my dear blog, vlog, writing, designing, and sorting out my upcoming plans and exercise!

What does one do in these situations?
What have you done to reach and to carry onto what you really want and need?
How does one get to/get into what one wants to do in life?
Answers on a postcard please! (comments plz and thank you so very much to you so thank you very much)
Or just tweet me @ScottieHSays

I think…I might…write…a…a…


Yes a list! I love a good list I do!
Who is with me!? Anyone?

Anyway! Moving on from ‘leaven’ or ‘list heaven’ if you will.

This ‘twas a short excursion out together for this blog post, I know, I know, again totes soz, but I hope i have made you think a bit more about things and about life! In a good way mind!
What can I say, life is full of ups and downs and well my life is full of them! Haha but I suppose it’s how we deal with them is the key..

So, Scottie Says…

Good luck anyone and everyone! You all deserve better in life! We all do, but it’s up to us to take it and make it! No matter how long it may take! Okay however it is best to achieve these things before one is too old to appreciate the win! 
P.S. Song of the week is back!
Becky Hill - Losing
(I totally love this song and the lyrics speak to me, so true)
Enjoy all! xx

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