Saturday 23 August 2014

Of 80’s Soirees and Friendship

Hello one and all and good day, morning, afternoon, good evening and good night to you wherever or whenever you may be reading this little blog of mine, I’m gonna let it shine let it shine let it shine, let it shiiiiiinnneeeee!
Soz, I just HAD to get to that bit….
Totes sorry for lack of updatage! Slap me thrice and hand me to me mother…. Okay maybe not.
But still, So sorry all! I have been and still am a little under la weather.

I now have a temp Christmas job! Yays and I had an 80’s themed fancy dress party/soiree/thingy, on the weekend, which was all such fun, with lots of food, drink, more food, more drink, lots of laughs, lots of bright coloured clothing and make up, with lots and lots of singing, some dancing and 80’s music all thrown into the happy mix!  Went, of course, as Adam Ant form Stand and deliver, as best I could on a shoestring budget. Not to shabby if I say so myself……
Anyways, onward!
Is it just me, or, as we age, does it become infinitely harder to lose weight and get fitter? Anyone? No? Okay….
I’ll shut up now…
Again as we/one gets older we tend to realise how important our friends are to us and how those
friendships are, at the very least, one of the most important things in our lives, ever.
For me, my friends will always be a second family to me, I care too much perhaps. But still, my friends are what keep me going though the dark days and help laugh, dance, sing and drink with me through the sundrenched times in my life, and vice versa.
Recently, I have been having more chats and catching up with friends and helping them with my own Scottie brand of advice, we all have periods of down-time and up-time and me-time and us-time and relationship-time, and so on and so forth, however, through all of that, who do we run to first when we need help and/or advice?
That’s right folks! FOOD AND DRINK!.....No? Whoops… soz buckets… Friends… I meant FRIENDS!
Yes we go to our friends for unvarnished truth, when we need to drink in celebration of that new job, drink to get through/over a tough time with a good shoulder to cry on whilst bitching about that guy or girl, who will never deserve you, someone to drink with when all u wanna do is drink and chillax and don’t need a reason!
Friends are the lifeblood of us as individuals and within society as a whole, they are there to help, to be loved and to give love in return, they accept you for who and how you are and vice versa, friendship is such a deep and complex thing, but there is one thing that can never be mistaken is this:
A true and good friend is gold dust, it is the lifeblood that keeps up going through the days, weeks, months and years without going totally mad and is also something that should never be taken for granted.
So, Scottie Says…
Don’t forget your friends! Tell them you love them, as often as you can and let them know that you are there for them, no matter what, go out there and spent glorious time together, enjoying life to the max!

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