Wednesday 3 August 2016

Starting a Business from scratch...The story so far

Hello! Hello! Hello! There everyone!
I hope you are all well!

Are you seated comfortably? or are you standing awkwardly?
Either way you are here reading this so welcome!

Yes, as most of you will know by now, I am trying to start my own business. *Little Fan-fare*

"What biz could you possibly do!?" I hear you all cry! (rude)

I could do a lot of businesses, thank-you-very-much!



Well, to start off, putting my designs on clothing and editing it with my own personal style and spin on things.

But my god is it personal...the amount of hours I've had to spend drawing, re-drawing, editing and dissecting designs, patterns, colours and colour combinations, and even ways of getting said idea onto the fabric I intend to sell eventually, has been long and fun, yes fun, it's been great being able to have the freedom to to speak, but while furthering one's dreams, for it is my dream, my hope that this venture does well. *fingers crossed*

However on top of that, there has been painstaking hours spent cutting out various handmade stencils using a surgeons grade scalpel and the weeks and months, yes months! spent scouring the shops and the internet for the right items to use initially.

That part of the process, has, in one word, been, a total, and utter....


No, lie... it's been horrific. but luckily we found something that fits all the criteria I wanted it to fit.

HALLELUJAH! Is all I can say right now!

Don't listen to all those people out there who said, oh I just started it form my kitchen and then it just exploded all over the internet and now here I am selling millions of items by the bucket load and every one wants my designs....


Ahem.. Soz buckets...

Okay, so it's not THAT much of a lie, however, they never say how difficult it is to actually source your stock/material/s in the first place, how long it would take to make your designs and test them, how much stress it would be.

I'm here to keep it real, (cos you can always count on Scottie to keep it real folks!) it will rarely be, that easy to just set up and go and become a fashion designer/trader.

However, of course that depends on what angle you are approaching it from and what exactly you are doing. Hell if you just wanted to import clothes and sell them locally or within your country, then that you could do, most likely, tomorrow.

However, if, like me, you'd rather do everything yourself, with the on-off help from friends, family and loved ones, then it will be long, arduous, stressful and tricky... and the only person whose shoulders/head all this rests on...?


BUT! don't let that negativity above put you off!

If you have ideas and a passion, then get out there and make it happen, you can do it like me, save and quit your job (provided you have stable accommodation, as in, for me I'm still with my parents at home) and then go all out on this idea, or stay in work and do it part time or in your spare time.

Either way, I'm here to say, don't give up and keep chipping away at it, because you will look back in a few months time and see that you have ticked off so many things off that seemingly never ending list.

You can do it! I believe in you, and I want you to believe in you too!

Wish me luck folks! Please!

Story so far, is that well, as I said, I have the product now, just got a few more loose ends to tie up then I may present it to the world to see!

Hopefully, you will all love them as much as I do and will buy and enjoy wearing them!

So, Scottie Says...

Live Long And Prosper!

Go Forth And Grab That Dream!



YouTube Channel:
Scottie Says on video!


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