Sunday, 7 August 2016

Quote Of The Day

Well Hello there one and all!

I hope this post finds you well, safe and sound!

Thought I'd do a Quote for you all today!

"No matter how many mistakes you make
or how slow you progress,
you are still way ahead of everyone who isn’t trying"

I hope you all like this one folks! I do, obviously..  haha
I feel that all to often we, perhaps, give up, when things aren't moving fast enough in the right direction in life.

However, it is key to remember that you are still moving, doesn't matter which way, you are still keeping that momentum up, no matter who small and how many split off branches you may wander down, just know that in the end, as long as you keep your goals in sight/mind, you will eventually end up where you always dreamed and wanted to be!

I wish you all the best in whatever it is that you are going towards and I hope that it will make your life and the lives of those around you/the world even, a better place.

So Scottie Says..

Keep Moving Forward, no matter how small those steps are.


Get in touch with me and my brand, using the links below please sweetydarlings! 

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Scottie Says on video!

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For any enquiries for/about JinWoo, then please email me here:

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