Wednesday 10 August 2016


Hello, Hello, Hello one and all!

I hope this post finds you all safe and well and at peace and hopefully not in a cramped cold or smelly armpit location haha

So, I just had a run-in so to speak with a bit of a 'naysayer'.
(What on earth is a naysayer!?) I hear you cry! Well, my well read friends:

"noun. 1. a person who habitually expresses negative or pessimistic views:
Despite a general feeling that things were going well, a few naysayers tried to cast gloom."

So, there you go everyone, that's what it means, any questions? No? Good, I shall move on then.

So, well, I suppose we all have heard it at some point from someone, haven't we?

"I'm gonna ask for a promotion at work, as it's been going super well, and they are making all the right 'noises'"

"Why? I thought you hated that job and that you wanted to lea e and do something else for yourself?"
(Then said naysayer proceeds to get more and more annoyed as they are told..err no it was only a friggin thought...twat...)

Anyway, my tip is to just nod and be like okay, your views are duly noted and thank you for them, I shall take them on board and consider them thoroughly and carefully. Or at least something to that effect...

Then you can take a deep breath, move on and be confident in your decision/s, sometimes we make great, good, bad, horrible, disastrous and mediocre choices throughout life, yet there will always be someone there to say something negative.

These people could be saying these things out of fear, worry, annoyance, tiredness(and therefore not thinking clearly), or, through just total stupidity... who can really say why? or what for?

Anyway, I digress, soz buckets, Basically, just take some deep breaths, close your eyes, put on some music and then go travelling, in your mind or let the music take you on a journey, journey to a happier and more positive place and remember that the path you are on is never a 'set' thing, well, not until you are gone form this world at least.

Either way, doing these thigns, also meditation, exercise, green/herbal teas and relaxing videos like ASMR, will all help to relax you and clear this messy foggy air around your head, clouding your judgment/s.

Do not worry folks! for all will become clear and if it doesn't keep trying new things, things that interest you the most and go for it, go all out and try a bit more,  then re-assess the situation and decide from there which way to move on; I also find writing and/or making lists of things help a whole lot!

So, Scottie Says..

Good luck in life and remember to breathe and remain calm and collected and strong and determined in your goals, ideas, interests and plans of action! Don't let the buggers get you down and don't listen to them!


Get in touch with me and my brand, using the links below please sweetydarlings! 

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