Sunday 14 August 2016

Quote of the day

Hello, Hello there one and all! Tis quote time again!

I hope your country is doing well in the Rio 2016 Olympics! (If you have been following it, that is.)

If, not, then... there is always Tokyo 2020! ^__^

Today's quote of the day is to do with happiness.

It's a core element of our lives, it can control so much of us and yet, we always forget that it is something that can be found anywhere at anytime.

That's not to belittle any troubles any one may be having/going through at the moment, but there is always hope, and in that hope, there lies a bit of happiness.

This quote above I found and felt that is encompasses all that I am trying to say here.
All too often we all get bogged down in life and the ups and downs, and sometimes the downs feel like they outweigh the ups.

However it is always key to try and remember the little things in life that make us smile, or think fondly of something, be it a cute child with their parents or a cute little puppy running around happy, or your face when you receive a fabulous gift.

Anything, just go out there and look around and smile, think of good and happy things and your goals in life and think about how it will make you feel when you get there, because you will! In the end, just keep smiling and being happy, and accepting what you can and can't change in life, just let it go.

So, Scottie Says..

Try and be as happy and as positive as you can be and appreciate all the little things in life.


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