Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Korea 2015 trip part 1

As I said Here is the next part that I had written whilst in south Korea folks!


Ahhh bright and colourful umbrellas floating in the sky...what better symbol for a beautiful summer's day?

So, im in SoKo atm.. oh im rhyming now!

Anyway SoKo is South Korea for the uninitiated.

Its hot and sunny with blue skies abound, the food is good, the drink is fine and the males are perfect. *le sigh*

Monday, 9 November 2015

I'm not dead...+ lots of updates! Part 1

Hey everyone! Long time no see! Soz buckets!
Its been (and gone) sale time at work, thus the cray cray busyness at work is more or less over.. yays!
I am with news! .. which I shall now bear..

Wednesday, 8 July 2015


So, haiiiiii everyone!!!!!!!!
I know it's been forever, and I'm sorry!
But just a quick one, to say I have a new youtube video up!!

Monday, 1 June 2015

I Am With News

Hello one and all!
I hope that this post find you all safe and well and hopefully in possession of a nice mug of tea or any other beverage of one's liking!  be it alcoholic or otherwise...ahem...
I am with news!!!!!
..which I shall now bear.. 

Friday, 15 May 2015

Colour, Colour Everywhere!

That's right, I'm back baby!
How are you all? .... good? good.
Before we begin, can I just say sorry for any babbling and faffing about, (good word! faffing! haha), that may or may not happen and also for any lack of coherence, I'm tired.. Sorry!

Monday, 27 April 2015

Of Picnics and Korean food lectures!

Hello one and all!
Soz it's been a litto while since I last updated my blog, but well, you know, life and work and all that..
So, how are you all? well I hope? yes? no? yes? good!
I hope this post finds you all sitting comfortably, or at the very least comfortable in whichever way you are positioned.... I'm not making any assumptions here... and if you are then well, EXCUSE YOU!

Friday, 3 April 2015

Quote of The Day

Hallo one and all!
Yes this that time again! la quote of la week!
So..a day or two ago I lost my footing and slipped off the last couple of steps in my house....
I know, how silly, but I hit my hack and scrapped my arm right up on the carpet, oh dear it was bleeding and everything....
So, I think this is the right quote methinks....
"One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain"
~ Bob Marley ~
Okay, its to do with music as well, but yes I believe that music has the ability to heal one, from the inside of the brain and through the body and outwardly in the end.
 Feel the rhythm and dance to the music, if you can't move, or move very well, for whatever reason, then try your best and/or move inside your head at the very least, close your eyes and let go.
much love to you all!

Thursday, 2 April 2015

..of general updatages!

Hello, Hello, Hello, one and all!
MAHOOOSIVE apologies for my uber late update! I was supposed to do this a couple of weeks ago, bu alas, life got in the way, again... I must stop letting it! Does anyone else feel the same way in their life?
hehe, anyways, here we go darlings!
So, im sat here on a train heading back to London kings cross, from York, where I spent two lovely days.

Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Quote of the day!

I hope you are all well and that this post finds you all in a perfectly comfortable state! be it lounging about, or on a packed commuter train or even while you are in bed or secretly under the desk at an 'oh-so-important' meeting or class room..
Then again a good hallo to you all there!
So, yes, I know I said id post again after last time, but well, work happened and well things got late and I got tired and recently, well, one has seemed extra tired of late. Why? God knows...
I am back so to speak, well, I am back with a quote! Yes, a quote form one of my favourite people!
Miranda Hart.
“We all have our worries about our bodies and our looks. We just need to make the best of our lovely, wonky selves. The key is never to compare and try to be something you're not.”
― Miranda Hart, Is It Just Me?
Yes! I agree with this statement!
I think that we should all try to remember this, especially on those inevitable 'dark-days/thoughts' when we all believe that we are 'less-than'. But actually we are all wonky and different in our own ways and THOSE are the things that which should be celebrated!
Of course I struggle, which is no secret, with my own body image and weight, I do have great days and good days and bad days and horrid days, but I suppose in the end, its how we deal with those days is what counts; to accept them and move on with a few deep breathes.
It won't always be doable nor will it always be perfect, but, we can only but try our best and try to think and be as positive as possible.
until next time folks! see y'all soon!!!! Lovage!
So, Scottie Says..
Try and love thyself!

Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Happy New Year and Welcome Back to Y'all!

Hello one and all!
A big welcome back to you beautiful people! I hope you are reading this with a beverage of some sort and properly comfortable, if not, then please..GET COMFORTABLE...ahem...

This is the first official post of the year! Yaaaaaaaaaaas

I know its la end of la ferst month an all that... but HALLO!

I know its taken so long to get this post up, and therefore I am of course, TOTES soz buckets!

anyway, happy new year one and all, how is this new year treating y'all? good? bad? ugly? other?