Friday, 30 May 2014

Quote Of The Day!

Hello Everyone! and yays for double postage! I know you all love me right? and I love you all too!
Today's Quote Of The Day is from the wonderfu land purely beautiful Maya Angelou whom the world lost recently. She truly was and still is an inspiration!
"We May Encounter Many Defeats,
But We Must Not Be Defeated."
This is just one of like a billion quotes of her's that I love. But let's have this one for today. Let's all keep going, no matter how mad and how crazy everythign gets, no matter how many times we are attacked and dragged down by whatever, say to yourself...Still, I rise.

The Great Job Hunt!


Hello Hello Hello! ONE AND ALL! Did you all miss me? yes? Why thank you I missed you too! No? well….thanks for being here either way!

So Sorry for not updating sooner! As well, basically life got in la way so to speak. I know, I know any well rounded young man such as myself should know how to balance a perfect blend of work, fun, play, life etc etc, oh wait I have no job! Well…that’s that equation out the proverbial window.

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Gym, Gym, Gym!

Hello one and all! Hope you all had a fabulous Monday! Aaannndddd thank gawd it’s over right!? Am I right? OR AM I RIGHT!? Hahaha
So, how are we all?
Good? Yes?
Well I'm fine too thank you very much.

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Quote of the Day!

Hey folks! 'tis I! Scottie!
Did y'all miss me? yes? no? booo if no yays if yes!
so, I was mooching about the internet, as one does and I came across this wonderful quote!
"No matter how many mistakes you make or how slow you progress, you are still way ahead of everyone who isn’t trying."
Isn't it lovely? yes? yes? good!
I really do beleive in this, and to that I will add that to start is half done.
Whatever it is that you want to do or dream of doing, do something, anything, even if its a new hobby or even an old hobby that you left behind for whatever reason, go back ot it, take it up and live, spend time withyourself and make and do.
If youve always wanted to sell the jumpers you knitted, or if youve always wanted to study theatre, go for it! jsut do something.
At the risk of sounding liek a tacky old commercial.... Don't delay! Start today!
May I jsut be the first to say, LOL and CRINGAGE!
ahem.... soz buckets.
So, Scottie Says....
Get going and get off from that seat and start, even the smallest step will be worthwhile, remember, one foot infront of the other!

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Eurovision 2014: Paper balls, Cheering and Booing


Oh haaay boyz and gurls! How y’all been doing? Good? Yes ? yes? No? well I'm sorry to hear that and let me just say that I hope you are all sitting or standing or kneeling…or whatever you are doing while reading this post, comfortably! With, perhaps a nice cup of tea in hand, or even a herbal infusion for the more ‘experimental’ among you all, oooh!

Anyways today’s topic is this year’s Eurovision Song Contest!

Yes…you DID just read that right! Muwhahaha….

Soz…bucket load of soz…

So! Where was I?... Ah yes! Eurovision 2014!

Friday, 9 May 2014

Quote of the day!

Heya alll my lovlies!
Hope you've all been well and having a blat whatever you are doing, be it drinking a cup of tea or out there clubbing it up with the young'uns!

Here is the quote of the day! I found this and thought it was lovely and encompassed so much in so few words.

Today I had two of my lovely friends from college over for lunch, I cooked and oh how we laughed at well pretty much everything and life.

It means a lot to have friends and havign friends is one of the most important thigns in life; they can help make us, they are there for us when no one else is, they are our go-to when we need cheering up, a boost in confidence, advice, fun and moee besides...oh dear ive writte ntoo much and also have gone a tad yoda-esque on you all! oh myy! (a la the marvelous George Takei)

"It is not so much our friends' help that helps us, as the confidence of their help"

~ Epicurus ~
There ya go folks! too be honest theres like a GAJILLION quotes out there, but hey, I try, for you love meeeeeeee! haha I jest... really I do, Just enjoy this blog...please? Anyways I do beleive in that quote above!
Tell me what you all think in the comments below!
Cheers folks! see you all on monday!!! 

Monday, 5 May 2014

Fashion, Fashion, Fashion!

DASSRIGHT! I'm back! didya miss me? no? well.... I say steady on eh...
Either wayz.. WELCOME BACK!
So, today’s topic is fashion, well to be more precise, fashionable people.
My question and ponderings of the day are this:
What makes a person fashionable? How does one define a Fashionista and a fashion terrorist?

Sunday, 4 May 2014

Quote of The Day!

Hey folks! So, I found this quote by the masterful Lau Tzu, I must say that I totally agree, it is a perfect surmisation of life.
I suppose it could be said that thesedays everyone has experienced depression on all levels and with the way the world is now, we all live much more anxiously..But peace? Peace seems to me to be fleeting, that perhaps we take thigns for granted? Or society has made us look forward and back too much? perhaps the world we have created for ourselves is actually taking away this 'present' time with ourselves and our loved ones.
It is important to know, remember the past, be it general or love, we also have to acknowledge that we all do and will get anxious abotu all sorts of things, be it work, or potential love.
If you are depressed you are living in the past.
If you are anxious you are living in the future.
If you are at peace you are living in the present.
~ Lao Tzu ~
So, Scottie Says...
Lets all try to remember the present is now and let's live it! ^_^
p.s. soz buckets for not updating la quote of la day earlier! It's been a tad hectik here what with seeing friends and socialisingz! Blog updatage on the morrow! LUV YA!