Thursday, 26 June 2014

Quote of the Day!!

Hello! Hello one and all!
I hope you are all well and happy and content in life at the moment!
I found this quote and new immediately it had to be my quote of the day!
I could not agree with this quote more!!! I feel liek too many of us try to fit into what society, our friends, family, work and even ourselves expect of us.
I mean why?
What is the gain?
Isn't it better to be yourself than to waste time and effort being someone/thing that isn't really you and that you arn't comfortable with?
It takes all kinds of peopel t make up this beautiful world we inhabit and I just wished that more people walked down the road looking how they want to look, loving who they love, doing what they want to and love doing and being who they really are, then surely the world would be a much happier place!? No?

~ Trying to be someone else is a waste of the person you are ~
So, Scottie Says...
Please let's not all waste our lives trying to be someone we are not, and embrace what you have and make the most/best of it! Good Luck everyone!
P.S. Here is a lovely little linky to the first video of my new Youtube channel! (The vid works now) Please check it out and like, comment and subscribe! Thanks folks! Love to all!

Wednesday, 25 June 2014


Hello one and all! Tis I! Scottie!

Yes... I have done it, finally! I have only gone and bloody made a youtube channel! woohoo!
come one come all cometh please and thank you! :D

Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Of Youtube and Life…

Hello my dear friends and followers! How are we all? … good? Bad? Yes, yes? No? Sorry to hear that if you are less than exuberant this day or night or even twilight, wherever and whenever you may be reading and/or perusing this blog post!
Welcome back everyone! So so sorry for being a little absent recently, I have been busy with things and lacking in a bit of creativity, oh dear. This shall be a fairly short one today by la way! Also to make up for being away, have a picture of the current incarnation of my tea drawer! Athankyou!

Saturday, 21 June 2014

Laate Quote of the Day!

SO SO sorry for lack of any updatage and what not, like totes seriously soz buckets!
Anyho, I have decided to add in a new segment? to mah blooogage! yes! review friday! more on that in next update!
So, here is my very late, quote of the day!
~ Never waste your time trying to explain who you are to people who are committed to misunderstanding you. ~
You are most welcome ;) hah!
Anyways I totally beleive in those words! I mean if someone is not interestest in the real you, then why bother to try and explain who you are? its a waste of everyones time and effort.
AND you whouldn't be someone who can be explained so easily, we are all humans afterall, we are difficult and infinitely complex creatures.
Much love, hugs and kisses from beautifully sunny London town! Until next time folks!
So, Scottie says....Take care and don't explain who you are and just be you!

Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Quote of the day! :)

Heya folks! so, I know I aven't updated on monday, so sorry about that! but please take this lovely quote by the fabulous Maya Angelou.
"If you are always trying to be normal you will never know how amazing you can be."
~ Maya Angelou ~
This quote I do really like and believe in, as there's too many people out there trying to fit into stereotypes within their societies and amongst their family and friends and are so hung up on trying to be so called 'normal', that they are losing or have even lost themselves.
It's a crying shame I say.
remember, that you are unique and that ONLY YOU CAN BE YOU, so why be what other people want you to be? Wheres the fun or naturality in that!? There isn't. so pelase go out there and be yourself, no matter how hard no matter how difficult, no matter how 'different', just please, please, be YOU.
Love to you all who are here reading this darlings! you are all beautiful and special!
Scottie xoxo

Saturday, 7 June 2014

Late... Quote of the Day!

Hello one and all! Soz buckets it's not wednesday but Saturday and well, here is my quote of the day!
 I hope y'all like it! I think that we all need to accept this and then that way we may better become happier, both within ourselves and our lives but also when it comes to the pursuit of love and career.

I of course am mostly reffering to love, but thats a personal thing, as I've more or less given up on love, it sucks..
You’re imperfect and you’re wired for struggle, but you are WORTHY of love and of belonging.
~ Brené Brown ~
The above quote I came across while browsing the net/google and loved the sentiment, it's so true! live long and prosper one and all! Oh how very Star Trek! 
P.S. She is an American scholar, author, and public speaker! Ooh er!

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

The Tea Drawer of Life

Hello my one and only lovlies!

How are you ? Good? Yes? Fab! Let’s get this show on la road!

Today’s topic is about something that is very close to my heart…. Is it, of course…