Monday 25 April 2016

Some LGBTQ issues - my thoughts

Hello, Hello, One and all!

Yes it's been a long time, sorry!

However, I am back and according to a poll I held on one's Twitter!

LGBTQ subject was one of the one's voted for by the lovely people out there!
ill do the rest next! Don't worry folks!

These views are entirely my own, I of course do not intend to cause any discomfort or offence.
So, apologies beforehand.

This is by no means, an exhausting list or thought pattern, it's just a few key things I wanted to say.

So, personally, I feel that one of the biggest threats to and within the LGBTQ community is from its self..

What I mean is that we still have even within our own and supposedly 'inclusionist' community, we still have our own discriminatory attitudes and actions towards other people within our circle as it were.

There are many and varying reasons for people to act the way they do, no matter which part of the fabric of society you are currently a part of or are from etc.
So, for example;

You have a person who is, for all intents and purposes what general society would call 'heterosexual', however this person is not; they however keep up a certain persona or image and confirm to particular heteronormative stereotypes in order to fit more into their own social circles, be that at work or outside of work, familial setting or a friendly setting even.

This, personally I feel, even though I totally understand where they are coming from, at least in part; however I still believe that in order to be happy and a fulfilled person in this life, we must first be honest and true to ourselves.

Let's all try and do away with this hiding and secret hate or fear, and certainly I would draw the line at belittling LGBTQ activities, charities, and/or people and legislature; just so they may keep up their own pretence.

I can't believe that you can truly be a totally whole and fulfilled and happy person if you are hating on or discriminating against the people from the very community to which you yourself, be it privately or publically belong to. Whether you want to be a part of the LGBTQ community, if you are a part of that community, then why not embrace it?

If not, then PLEASE at the very least do not allow people around you to disparage people from within a community to which they have no personal or otherwise knowledge of.

Also, PLEASE don't ever partake in those sort of actions against or saying such things against them. they are trying to live their lives freely and openly. Let them be.

Another problem within the LGBTQ community I feel, again boils down to image. we are, for example, talking as a gay man, bombarded with images of slim or muscular men, this of course is no different to the world outside of this community, however, the power of those images are increased ten-fold, as for some reason, people who don't fit within these stereotypes, are then looked down upon by those very types, if you are larger or perhaps not quite 'model-esque' then we are more or less ostracised for not fitting into that 'gay' look. the look of a buff young man who is pretty and fashionable, is what we have been and are still being fed at every turn.. what then for the person who isn't interested in fashion, or looking their so called 'best'?

Yes I understand that there are for example men who are larger and hairy (of course not always) known as bears, this however has almost become a sort of fetish and not mainstream within the community.

In order for the community to flourish and become rich and strong, we should do away with all this fake rubbish and branding that gay guys need to look a certain way or need to be promiscuous and always on the look out for sex or the next guy or the next 'daddy', no, this way is not healthy, and is allowing us within our own community to discriminate against, so-called 'feminine gays' or even transgender or drag queens and transvestites as well as lesbians who look or don't look a certain way.

I look forward to the day when, such sentences as:

"masc 4 masc", "no fems", "straight-acting"

are no longer visible on dating profiles.

How about  we change these to something like, "looking for a guy with a sweet smile", "I'm interested in your heart and mind and not your wallet", "I'm an open person so, friends no matter who or how you are".

To me, those sentences are a lot more appealing and truthful.

Also, to the people out there who are 'scared' or don't like or don't want to know gay guys who are 'feminine' or lesbians who are 'butch', or anyone else who is 'outside' of your own minds bubble, then please, go out there and find these people and have a good long conversation with them, you will find that they have infinitely more interesting stories, values and opinions and sense of friendship than a lot of your own so called 'friends' I'm sure...okay, I'm not sure, but um..yeah what I'm trying to say here, is, get rid of your own prejudices, please.

No offence is of course intended to anyone, I'm just sick and tired of the cycle of hate or fear or subscribing to stereotypes even within our own community, like everyone and certainly don't hate on or disparage people that you know nothing of or about.

Let's all try to live well everyone and please be happy within yourself.

Move forward in life and never backwards, be true to yourself always and remain happy, strong and positive even in the most darkest of hours.

Much love, always.


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