Hey folks! Welcome back to my lovely lovely blog! Even if I say so myself! And a bigger welcome back to you all!
If you are currently reading this (be it on a packed commuter train, the local coffee shop, library, sneakily at work or chillaxing at home) with a hot beverage in hand, preferably tea..of some descript, then I applaud you and if not then well.. I shall give you a curt nod and smile for at least turning up for the proceedings, oh I’ve gone all ‘court-case’ on everyone, do apologise!
Anyway, today’s blog postage is about the face…your face…my face...our faces.
What I want to know from you all is this: what do you use to and how do you take care of your face?
What do you use on your face daily? Weekly? Monthly?! What are your key tips and tricks? Or do you just bung your make up on and go for it, or do you throw caution to the wind and embrace no makeup, be you male or female?
So, to start us off, I will say, this pic below is my ‘basic’ face.
Which consists of:
(1) green tea moisturising serum,
(2) eye roll-on,
(3) sometimes I use a general moisturiser,
(4) sometimes I use an eye cream,
(5 )and if I really want a good base/finish to my face, then I end with using green tea seed cream.
THEN it’s time for la (6) BB cream, MEN’S BB cream mind! Haha usually over any area that’s not looking that good otherwise it’s generally my eyes, them blasted bags! And not the good type I can tell you that now for free! Whoever allowed bags to appear on the face like this should have been given a good talking to! Ahem…
And if I'm going out, out, then I put BB cream all over my face, usually I do this for work as well. Then these days I finish with a bit of ‘warming-up’ of my face and maybe a tad contouring… ^__^ thank god for (7) MAC powder studio fix and the Korean cosmetics company Innisfree!
For cleanage I use:
(1) face wipes and I like to use a
(2) volcanic mud pack mask thingy sometimes, which is AMAZING after I’ve washed it off, and
(3) nose pore strips,
(4) I sometimes use another face pack/mask
also sometimes I use face masks, from Korea and under eye patches (not pictured).
I tend to these days try and drink more water and I also like to have a glass of hot water with a slice of lemon with a couple teaspoons of lemon juice added, to help detox and clear my skin.
Luckily, I have never had to worry about my skin in terms of spots etc, as neither of my parents have ever had skin problems, and thank god I don’t have any either. Of course everyone is different and of course everyone’s skin will respond to different things, different treatments and even a similar product from one company to another company could be good or bad for you. Again let’s just go through and try out different things and see what works best for us and our skin!
And there you have it folks! 'my face' lol as it very much were! I will do a review post and hopefully a video as well!
So, as I said before, what are some of your skin rituals? Your tips hints and cheats, leave them in the comments section below!
So, Scott Says…
Love your face, and let’s all try to take just that little bit more care of it, as it gets the most exposure to the environment around us.