Wednesday, 27 June 2018

Time to keep moving forward

Hello there everyone! 
I really hope this post finds you all safe and sound, and living your best life! or at least working towards it! 

So, I'm not going to lie and say that everything is okay, cos, you know what? It's not okay, I am angry at myself, but I am learning/trying to let it go...let it goooo~ Soz... 
why? Cos I haven't been giving my passions and my dreams 100% (while I still can) I feel sometimes, that I am standing still, mostly from the gushing waters holding me against a mountain...or large rock. 

Therefore, I have decided to try and recover some of the more 'youthful' me, the me that didn't care as much about what people thought and that I'd love to wear what I want and look how I want to. (But of course still being fabulous... cos, why not?).

I have also decided that I have to be more proactive than I have been, on many levels, and writing here is helping, so totes soz buckets, if you don't want to listen to my drivel about life and its ups and downs.. 

So, I'm going to sign off here for now so I can go and try and actually do some things! WISH ME LUCK..PLEASE! haha 

What are your dreams and passions? Are you moving towards them at all? If so, then how? Let me know below! 

So, Scottie Says.. 

Go out there and try, please try and make small steps at first, towards your dream and throw yourself in.. at least as much as you can. 


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