Hello everyone its your friendly neighbourhood scottie!
I hope this post finds you all safe and well!
If not then I wish you a speedy exit from whatever fresh hell life has decided to throw you!
So, just a quick lil updatage.
The boyf and I are off to Rome next week! Wooooo!
I've never been before and its always been one of the places I've wanted to visit!
We will be going for 9 days! Woo! Managed to find a fantastic deal.
Anyway, I am looking forward to it, if any of y'all have any tips, tricks or fab locations for photos, to explore and see or to even eat and drink, then that would be very much appreciated! <3
It will also be the boyf's birthday while we are away and therefore I'd like to take him somewhere nice too, so any ideas for that would be appreciated too please and thank you! ^___^
In other news, I am still fighting to keep the biz dream alive, I have new designs that I have been working on, so that is something. I have been applying for jobs, just playing the (veeeery) long game, but I hope it will all pay off sooner rather than later.... fingers crossed!
I will also take up learning nail art on the side as a sort of back up/another avenue to increase my earning potential and I may be working at the East Asian Film Festival in London this year as well (Hopefully paid) lol
So, it's all kinda a go go, but I can't lie, it is one big struggle, I want to have an easier life, not a progressively more difficult one! That's the opposite way around damnnit!
But! This too, shall pass and soon the drawn of a new era shall come and illuminate my way. As it will for each and everyone of us, at some point, it will all fall into place, just gotta keep the faith in yourself and keep pushing forward, somehow, somewhere, baby steps folks, baby steps. Slow and steady wins the race!
So, Scottie Says..
Gosh lots of positivity there! Good luck everyone! Think positive and live your life!
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