Sunday, 13 November 2016

Quote of the day!

Hello hello hello! One and all!

MUUUUCH missage and love to you all! I am so sorry I have been away in Cardiff, Wales, and I have been suuuuper sick as well! I know... super sad times...

Anyho! I'm feeling a lot better now! Thank gawd!

My lord a lot has happened during my absence!

The big T is now big man elect and SoKo is turning into one big protest!


Well... here is some positivity and news for you!

I got an internship at a Korean gallery!
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! yes! This is something I have wanted for a long time and I never thought it was something that id be ever able to do! Yet here I am!

So, so pleased!

It is all too easy to lose sight of what is important and even to lose sight of our own goals and wants, and needs, however a little double check, should do the trick. It is so difficult getting a small fashion company off the ground, with little to no capital to invest in it. however, I have to stay positive and keep trying no matter what, and so do you dear reader!

Why? I hear you cry.

Because, you want to try your best, damnit! You want to be able to turn around and say in years to come that I tried, it worked, or it didn't work, but at least I gave it a go and tried it!

Be brave folks!  

Now, onto my Quote of la day!

"This is the beginning of anything you want"
~ Unknown ~

Oh yes, it is! we can only hope and believe. I want you all to go out there and live, go and try applying for that job you have always wanted, who knows, you never know so what have you got to lose in trying?


So, please go do it, year's end is drawing ever closer, and with that, a new year beckons, that is when we shall rise up and begging anew, with renewed vigour and spirit!

Good luck to everyone out there! Keep moving forward and keep trying, no matter what!

So, Scottie Says..

Every day is a new day and every day can be a new beginning, be whoever and do whatever you want to, be happy, healthy and enjoy life!

I'll be back soon folks!

Stay safe!


P.S. Some faboosh links for yall!

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