Tuesday, 6 September 2016

On Friendship and a lil update on life

Well hello there one and all!

Totes soz to have left you all without warning!
So, previously in my life, it was my mother's birthday, woo! and my cousin's 40th birthday, woo! (it was masquerade style with black and gold being the colours, good times!)

I of course customised my black shirt using my gold paint and a fresh new design.. ;)

Speaking of that... I have just ordered some labels to go inside! yaaays! it's getting closer to launch day folks!

Annnnd I spent about 5 days in the beautiful city of Bath, visiting and staying with my boyfriend and his brother while their parents are away on holiday in Vietnam, (See below...pics are not mine.. sadly, but I put thems together and dids the writing (said in cute voice....(oh god! okay don't kill me! (gosh this is like bracket-ception!)))).....OH YES IT DID! HA!

Anyway, We spent a lovely time cooking together, us 3 and eating and watching tv, x factor and GBBO(Great British Bake Off!) and baking and exploring the town, whilst shopping for ink for my boyfriend's new vintage Parker 51! He was so happy and excited for it!

We also partook of Adventure Golf! I've never golfed in my life, but I loved it! haha was great fun and I look forward to mini golf next! haha


So, I also want to talk about friendship briefly.

Now, I have, as well as most, if not everyone in this world, at some point or another, has had a bit of a crisis, be it with life, love, work, or even with friends themselves!

However, there is one main thing that we need, (not the ONLY thing mind) in life, and that, is friendship!

As an Aquarius, I am of the eleventh house and that house is the house of...yes, you guessed it!

Friendship! Woo!


We all need our friends and we all need to give our friends a bit of breathing space every so often and to also still respect them and thir choices in life, whether or not we agree with them (unless they are gonna hurt someone or themselves). 

"One loyal friend is worth ten thousand relatives."

~ Euripides ~

The above quote, I feel shows exactly, what the true meaning of friendship is, among other things, Loyalty.

Being there through thick and thin, through the good, the bad and the ugly.

Let's all hold onto our friends and be there for them in their times of need and also be present in their happiest moments too!

So Scottie says..

If you are travelling around England, then please visit Bath!
Also, value your friends! They are what helps the soul to grow!


Some fabulous links for yall!

Scottie Says YouTube Channel:

Scottie Says Twitter:

Personal Instagram:

Official JinWoo Brand Twitter:

JinWoo Brand Instagram:

For any enquiries for/about JinWoo, then please email me here:

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