Sunday, 26 February 2017

New year, new hopes and dreams

Well, hellooo there and what a veritable thrill to have you all here with me!


I have to be lame here and blame my internship at the gallery where I am currently at, okay well its part that and part me. Also, it's going well there and I do enjoy it!

Warning, this blog is a tad everywhere, as I am a bit ill atm and so brain-fog has descended! :O the horror! I know!

Just a litt-o update for you all.

How was everyone's crimbo? I hope you all got what you wanted and had a happy and loving one! Happy new year! and happy new lunar new year of the Rooster! as well! I know I'm so late .. on like everything....

Anyhooo, it was my birthday recently and well I have turned the ripe old age of 21...again! HAH! I'm a firm believer in finding an age you like and sticking to it.... ahem... okay so I'm actually 29 now.

Why is it that no one ever tells us how to 'adult', they don't give you any REAL lessons on it, do they? they only vaguely suggest and show you some things. but in the end, I suppose it really is up to us all to find our own paths, walk it, tumble town, get back up, keep going and carry on through the twists and turns and the dead ends which force us to go back and take another route through this maze like jungle called life, which rears up and encloses us all at some point, forcing us to draw as much breath as possible and to work our way through it somehow. But! Work through it we can, with friends, family and a loved one by our sides, helping us, guiding us throughout it all, and supporting us.

You know, it really is difficult, trying to be fabulous when well, you kind of are naturally fabulous, but not, what people might call 'insta-fab'..if you get my meaning.

I'd really like to, (in no particular order) this year:

1: to expand and grow my business (JINWOO) and add more items for sale and up the marketing etc!

2: to lose weight and finally achieve a healthy lifestyle that I've been working towards for so long now

3: to just live happily and stress free and having fun. Be it with my family, my friends or my darling boyfriend.

Recently, I have been feeling to get back into writing, I suddenly want to write a book and get it published, or something at least. I don't know any more, I mean, whose to say that we can't at least try it all? I have hope and so should you all!

Apologies for this mad post, I'm just venting and letting out my hopes and desires and perhaps some frustrations in the process, it's good, it's cathartic for the mind, body and soul.

I really hope and suggest that you all do the same :)

What are you hopes, dreams and desires for 2017 and beyond?

Let me know in the comments!

Until next time folks!

So, Scottie says..

Don't forget to be happy and fabulous! You owe it to yourself!

Go and do what you want to do, don't wait, jump in!


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